2007 SourceForge Community Choice Awards 得獎的是…

SourceForge.net 2007 Community Choice Awards

一年一度的 SourceForge.net 社群軟體評選 Community Choice Awards(自 2006 年開始),各獎項入圍者皆是多年以來廣受使用者喜愛的明星軟體,在各社群都是響叮噹的人物,經過激烈的票選之後,本次 2007 年的得主終於揭曉,結果出爐,詳列如下:

Best Tool or Utility for Developers: The project most likely to help you make the best of your precious coding time
Winner: TortoiseSVN

Best Project for the Enterprise: The project most likely to get your boss to promote you for saving the world
Winner: Firebird

Best Project for Gamers: The best project for wasting time at work
Winner: ScummVM

Best Project for Multimedia: The best project for taking advantage of your rad video card, sound card, television, etc.
Winner: Audacity

Best Project for Communications: The best project for talking to your friends or sharing information
Winner: phpBB

Best New Project: The newly created project with the most potential for greatness
Winner: eMule
Honorable Mention: Launchy

Best User Support: The project with the happiest users and most dedicated groupies
Winner: Firebird

Best Technical Design: The project most likely to inspire awe with its technical perfection
Winner: 7-Zip

Most Collaborative Project: The project most likely to accept your patches and value your input
Winner: Azureus

Best Tool or Utility for SysAdmins: The project that keeps your network up while you sleep
Winner: phpMyAdmin

Best Project: This is the one! The all-over best project.
Winner: 7-Zip

裡面的軟體就算沒用過也應該有聽過吧?可以點以下連結回 SourceForge.net 瀏覽各獎項入圍提名人選。