WordPress 升級至 2.1.2


    1. 備份資料,包含資料庫及WordPress檔案,備份後記得確認備份下來的資料是可用的。
    2. 停用所有Plugins。
    3. 刪除WordPress檔案,但以下檔案要保留:
      • wp-config.php
      • wp-content資料夾(wp-content/cache可以刪除)
      • wp-includes/languages/(如果有使用語系檔就不要刪)
    4. 上傳新版的檔案。
    5. 執行/wp-admin/upgrade.php,按照指示即可。
    6. 更新與v2.1相容的PluginsTheme
    7. 重新啟用Plugins。
    8. 大功告成~

Google 個人化首頁的新玩意

Google繼上週將Google Talk整合至Google Personalized Homepage之後,
Google Talk Gadget
Google Talk Gadget
Select theme
較特殊的地方在於選擇佈景之後,Google會提示輸入所在位置的地名或郵遞區號,而所選的佈景主題會隨著所在地的時間變換當前樣貌(日光或夜景),但其中的”Bus Stop”則是隨著當地氣候變化會刮風下雨。
Bus Stop

Software Wars

Current Map: Updated December 28, 2006
Software Wars

The original Software Wars Map began in 1998 when Netscape first announced it was going to open source the browser code. Andy Tai was the creator. He updated it a couple times a year after that for a while. As often happens, Mr. Tai became too busy, and the Map was not updated for several years.

Inspired by his original work, the Software Wars Map is now maintained here.