Opera 9.25 更新

Opera Dev

最近 Opera 還是只有 Opera 9.2x 系列的小幅安全性修正,不知道 Opera 9.5 正式版什麼時候才會風光問世?

Changes Since Opera 9.24


  • Fixed an issue where plug-ins could be used to allow cross domain scripting, as reported by David Bloom. Details will be disclosed at a later date.
  • Fixed an issue with TLS certificates that could be used to execute arbitrary code, as reported by Alexander Klink (Cynops GmbH). Details will be disclosed at a later date.
  • Rich text editing can no longer be used to allow cross domain scripting, as reported by David Bloom. See our advisory.
  • Prevented bitmaps from revealing random data from memory, as reported by Gynvael Coldwind. Details will be disclosed at a later date.



  • Fixed a problem where malformed BMP files could cause Opera to temporarily freeze.

另外 Opera 在聖誕節前夕也釋出了 Opera 9.5 測試版的更新(Windows 9716),有興趣的人可以嚐鮮一下。